Jamie Christopher Hewlett is an English comic creator, best known for co-creating the hugely influential series 'Tank Girl' and for being the visual architect of an internationally renowned virtual band, 'Gorillaz'. He also co-founded a fanzine, 'Atomtan', as an art school student. Hewlett's unsettling, humorous and sensual artwork has been a staple of British avant-garde culture for two decades. Though not officially trained in his art, he has become a representative of the medium that is slowly commanding respect and attention in the mainstream art world. In 2009, Hewlett went on a trip to Bangladesh as a part of an Oxfam team that was investigating the impact of climate change on vulnerable areas. The journey left a big mark on the artist and on his return to the UK, he created a series of paintings. The prints of these paintings were sold and the money was donated in Bangladeshi villages. Hewlett is married to French presenter and actor Emma de Caunes and has two children from a previous relationship. Apart from that, he has had many pivotal creative relationships in his life, including those with Alan Martin, Brett Ewins, Steve Dillon, Richard Benson, Damon Albarn, and many more.