Renowned as King Robbo, the British artist John Robertson emerged as a luminary in the 1980s, captivating audiences with his daring and distinctive approach. Beyond his technical prowess, Robbo stirred a movement among young artists, championing graffiti as a potent vehicle for dissent and societal reflection. His canvases spoke volumes on the pressing issues of poverty, inequality, and urban blight, resonating as poignant indictments of the era's social and political fabric. Robbo's legacy is etched into the very walls of London, his creations enduring as some of the city's earliest graffiti masterpieces. However, it was his clash with Banksy that thrust him into the global spotlight, elevating him to an icon of artistic defiance. A trailblazer in every sense, Robbo played a pivotal role in legitimizing graffiti as a profound mode of artistic expression, leaving an indelible mark on the cultural landscape.