Renowned for his role in one of the most significant art forgery scandals of the 20th century, John Myatt, having served a prison sentence, has transitioned to creating authentic reproductions of renowned masterpieces by painters like Vincent Van Gogh and Henri Matisse, coining them as "genuine fakes." His journey into forgery began in 1986 when he started receiving requests for counterfeit paintings subsequent to advertising in the British magazine Private Eye. Teaming up with the accomplished scammer John Drewe, Myatt skillfully crafted over 200 replicas spanning an array of artistic styles from 19th to 20th-century artists, encompassing the likes of Marc Chagall and Alberto Giacometti. Over a span of nine years, his forgeries astoundingly deceived experts at esteemed auction houses and museums. Subsequently, numerous counterfeits found their way into both private and public collections worldwide. Presently dedicated to producing lawful replicas of artworks, Myatt also offers his expertise to law enforcement, assisting them in combating art fraud.