Renowned as "One United Power" or 1UP, this collective has gained global acclaim for its bold graffiti endeavors. Whether executing street bombings in broad daylight, crafting whole-cars amidst running traffic, or scaling dizzying rooftops, 1UP's artists not only dominate the urban landscape but also send ripples through the art world. Beyond the streets, their impact is felt through installations, prints, canvases, and books, showcasing a diverse range of artistic expression. Comprising international artists from cities across Europe, 1UP operates as a tightly-knit family embodying the ethos of "strength in unity" with the mantra: One Crew, One Love, One Power. 1UP is a manifestation of Berlin's Zeitgeist, uniquely capturing the city's spirit like no other contemporary collective. Originating in the streets of Kreuzberg, the crew has evolved into a global family, solidifying its status as one of the most renowned graffiti crews worldwide. The collective's identity is marked by collaborative and collective efforts, featuring spectacular stunts and logistically intricate actions, all carried out by the anonymous artists who form the core of this dynamic group.